Posts in Essentials
Crafting Comfort: DIY Fire Starters for Cozy Evenings

There's something undeniably comforting about the crackling of a warm fire on a cold evening. Whether you're camping under the stars or simply enjoying a cozy night at home, having reliable fire starters on hand can make all the difference. While there are many commercial options available, why not try your hand at crafting your own? With just a few simple materials – toilet paper rolls, dryer lint, and candles – you can create homemade fire starters that are both effective and eco-friendly.

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Kindred Bravely: A New Mom Must Have

After Blake was born, I lived in cozy clothes. This meant wearing mostly hoodies and sweatpants. Now that we are expecting baby number two, I decided that I wanted to be prepared with some comfy nursing pajamas. So I turned to none other than my favorite nursing bra company, Kindred Bravely, to find those pajamas that I know I am going to need come February.

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Children's Electric Car Buying Guide | 4 Ride On Vehicles To Get You Started

Dad here! I have looked at these fun little cars from day 1 of finding out we had Blakey on the way. I think it's the little boy in me that makes me want to get one and probably try to ride it myself. And I understand that it makes me little kiddish, but let's embrace that for the moment! Am I right guys? 

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Arm’s Reach Mini 2-in-1 Ezee Co-Sleeper Bassinet Review

I had the opportunity to test out the Arm’s Reach Mini 2-in-1 Ezee Co-Sleeper Bassinet recently with our precious four-month-old boy. The bassinet was tremendously easy to assemble, and it couldn’t have taken more than 10 minutes to assemble (that’s total time, with multiple interruptions from my favorite little “helping” hands).

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50+ Moms Share Their Opinions On Baby Clothes

We have loved continuing our Parent Poll Friday on Instagram. The answers are helpful for us and interesting! Being a parent isn't always easy, but having a community that pitches in, helps! As many have said before, it takes a village. 

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My Top 6 Breastfeeding Essentials | Bottles, Bras, and More

After 16 months of breastfeeding, I feel like I have learned a ton about what works, what doesn't work, and what items you need to have on hand for each and every nursing session. I definitely don't know everything there is to know about breastfeeding and I am not a medical professional, but after nursing for this long, I have some tips to share with you!

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11 Moms Share Their Favorite Places To Shop For Children's Apparel

We do a weekly post asking questions of our friends on Instagram! Every Wednesday we do "Question Wednesday" a not so catchy title as Molly tells me. But we wanted to start doing more round-ups here to help show the answers moms are sharing with us! We hope they help you. Comment your own answers below! 

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St. Petersburg Florida KOA Campground and Deluxe Cabin Review

As we were looking for places to stay in the St. Petersburg area, we consistently were seeing high priced hotels and condos. Sadly for a short five day, four night, family vacation we weren’t able to stomach paying seven or eight hundred dollars just for an eighth story room without a view of the ocean. Although we would have loved to be able to see the ocean from our room, we decided to look away from the beach for an affordable place to stay. 

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Nursery Inspiration | 7 Aspects We Love About Blake's Bedroom 

We moved into our house more than two years ago. At that point, it was freshly painted and carpeted, and we decided to not customize the design much more at that time. But, when we found out that little Blakey was on the way, we knew that we needed to update her (We didn't know gender at that time) bedroom into the perfect relaxation space and beautiful nursery, just for baby. We decided early on that we'd go a bit more neutral with the walls and design as we weren't finding out the gender until birth. We did a two-tone gray wall with a wood rail to separate it. 

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A Dad Answers Frequently Asked Baby Registry Questions | When Should I Setup My Baby Registry?

There is no exact science to this, and I know that's probably not what you wanted to hear right out of the starting gate. But the beauty of starting this process is that it's happening during one of the most exciting times of your life. You don't need to worry too much about when you get rolling on your registry, you just need to get it in motion before...

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Baby Birth & Baby Shower Gift Idea | The Lily + Piper Box Review

All that said, giving gifts is one of the best feelings and the most fun things to do for other people. The opportunity to express your love for others in this way is rewarding in many ways. So now to focus in on the topic at hand, a great idea we've found for baby shower and new baby gifts, because we all need a bit of inspiration now and then, right?

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Mom's Fave Five Series | Mariella Olano Shares Her Faves

Once I had my son Adrian, I realized how many products there are on the market geared toward babies. There are so many things to try that it can be pretty exciting but it can also be overwhelming. When thinking about which products are my fave five, the criteria became, if lost or damaged, what would I repurchase? Though I enjoy many products, I have no problem trying something else out and easily replacing them but these are pretty much staples in my day to day life and I recommend they be staples in both yours and your baby’s life as well!

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