Posts in Family
How I Took My Family To Disney for Free | 11 Ways I Made It Work

I just took my family to Disney World for an entire week, without paying a cent out of pocket! “How?” you might ask. Well buckle your seat belts, I am about to tell you!

A year ago, I booked a trip to Disney and set a goal for myself to pay for the entire trip without any of our “normal” income. My husband, Collin, didn’t think I could do it, but boy did I prove him wrong! Most everything I did was via different apps on my phone, I will list them below starting with what profited me the most money.

While I put the money I earned toward my family’s trip to Disney, you could easily save your money for any vacation! These aren’t Disney-exclusive tips! In fact, now that our Disney trip is over, I am using these methods to save up for a trip to Hawaii!

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The Flying Pig Marathon | Training For and Running A Marathon As A Dad

A little over a year and a half ago, I decided it was time to make a change in my life. I was close to 240 lbs and felt gross all the time. Molly and I had Blakey on the way, and I might have been coming out of a quarter-life crisis, who really knows? So I decided that day (October 31st, 2016 to be exact) to set a goal to run a marathon, I signed up for the 19th Flying Pig Marathon and started training... kind of. 

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St. Petersburg Florida KOA Campground and Deluxe Cabin Review

As we were looking for places to stay in the St. Petersburg area, we consistently were seeing high priced hotels and condos. Sadly for a short five day, four night, family vacation we weren’t able to stomach paying seven or eight hundred dollars just for an eighth story room without a view of the ocean. Although we would have loved to be able to see the ocean from our room, we decided to look away from the beach for an affordable place to stay. 

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4 Basic Family Recipes That Will Leave You Delighted

We love food, plain and simple. Food is the core of our family gatherings; it is the three times or more per day that we all celebrate tastes and flavors and it is something we enjoy passing down through our families. So you know in advance, these recipes are not family secrets, they are just recipes that we got from our grandma, parents or some other family relative.

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A Natural Easter Craft for the Whole Family | Coloring Easter Eggs with Whipped Cream

Holidays are such a fun time to make keepsake crafts with your kiddos. This is only Blake's second Easter and she already has a handful of Easter crafts that we have saved in her keepsake box. From the Easter egg painting from the library, to the wooden Easter egg magnets, there is so much we want to save for Blake to look back on later! 

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Nursery Inspiration | 7 Aspects We Love About Blake's Bedroom 

We moved into our house more than two years ago. At that point, it was freshly painted and carpeted, and we decided to not customize the design much more at that time. But, when we found out that little Blakey was on the way, we knew that we needed to update her (We didn't know gender at that time) bedroom into the perfect relaxation space and beautiful nursery, just for baby. We decided early on that we'd go a bit more neutral with the walls and design as we weren't finding out the gender until birth. We did a two-tone gray wall with a wood rail to separate it. 

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A Dad Answers Frequently Asked Baby Registry Questions | When Should I Setup My Baby Registry?

There is no exact science to this, and I know that's probably not what you wanted to hear right out of the starting gate. But the beauty of starting this process is that it's happening during one of the most exciting times of your life. You don't need to worry too much about when you get rolling on your registry, you just need to get it in motion before...

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Themed Easter Basket Ideas For Kids

If I haven't said it before, I will say it again! I love gifting themed gifts! It is so much fun to pick a theme, and get creative with what items will fit into that theme. For Christmas, Collin's stocking was pug themed. (He loves pugs!!) One time I gifted my brother a protein pack full of literally anything with protein in it because he loves working out! ;)

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Natural Ways to Get Through the Cold Season

Winter...the dreaded season of sickness. Before having Blake, I didn't think too much about the cold season being a big deal. I typically get one cold a year and I push through it usually without even taking any medications for it. (When Collin gets a cold, it's a different story...can anyone say MAN COLD?! :) ) But since having Blake, Collin and I have gotten several colds along with Blake and because of that, I have learned a few natural ways of getting through a cold. 

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