Nursery Inspiration | 7 Aspects We Love About Blake's Bedroom 

Baby Name Letters Nursery Wall

We moved into our house more than two years ago. At that point, it was freshly painted and carpeted, and we decided to not customize the design much more at that time. But, when we found out that little Blakey was on the way, we knew that we needed to update her (We didn't know gender at that time) bedroom into the perfect relaxation space and beautiful nursery, just for baby. We decided early on that we'd go a bit more neutral with the walls and design as we weren't finding out the gender until birth. We did a two-tone gray wall with a wood rail to separate it. 

Once she was born, we brought in all the fun decorations just for Blakey to girlify it! Below I have shared a bit more about some of our favorite pieces of the room. There are plenty more to note, but these stand out when you walk into the room. We may have to go back later and do a round two post with the smaller details of the nursery that we love as well!  

Her Baby Name Letters 

We got these cute little letters from Target as soon as we chose Blake's name. We picked them out as just wood grain and then painted them pink. To hang them, we bought picture hangers and nailed them to the backs of each. I love how we made them all different heights to give a little more of a fun look to them. The letters took us no more than an hour to paint and hang, and they are a fun addition to any baby room! 

Her Three Traced Zoo Animals 

These canvas painted animals were a fun project too! We saw the three canvas frames at a garage sale and knew that we could upcycle them to something fun for Blake's room. I think they had some weird pink lines on them before. So we painted a few coats of the same gray we used on the bottom of the bedroom wall on the canvases. Then we traced out the different animals on them and filled them in with white paint, overall this project probably took 60-90 minutes.

Her Giraffe Canvas 

We got this painting early on before we even knew Blakey was a little girl! We told ourselves that we'd paint the little pink banners blue if the baby was a boy. But we didn't have to, and we love it! Blakey would always point to the giraffe on the wall when she was on her diaper changing table early on. We have always hoped to encourage her to love the outdoors and animals, and I think so far we have been successful! 

Her Stuffed Animal Zoo 

This project is an ongoing labor of love on my end! Shortly after Blakey was born and right after a stream of stuffed animals came to us, I decided to build this. I had previously seen how-tos online and didn't think it looked too hard. I was partially right that the frame was pretty easy, but I got too far ahead of myself and didn't have enough parts from the beginning. This lack of preparation has lead to me not finishing the project yet. Blakey is now 15 months old, and the animals are only being held in by the front gate. Dangerous, I know! 

Her Baby Birth Shadow Box 

This box is a fun nursery project Molly put together in her spare time after Blake's birth. It has everything sentimental that we'd want to remember from Blake's birth and the week surrounding it. I love walking into the room now and then and thinking back to how special that time was. Plus, it matches the decor of the room perfectly.

Her Baby Shoe Shelf  

This shelf has been a recent addition to the room. We typically have kept Blake's shoes in the closet, but I recently was thinking to myself that it'd be nice to have easier access to them. So I wandered into the basement and found this sweet little shelf. We've used this stair-stepped shelf in tons of ways in the past, but this has by far been the cutest of all the ways. It fits her tiny shoes perfectly and makes a fun addition to the room while making the shoes very accessible. 

Her Framed Hair Bow Holder 

The last thing I wanted to highlight was this adorable bow and hair band holder. It was a gift from a good friend of Molly’s to Blake, and it has found a perfect use on our wall as we walk in through the door. It fits tons of Blakey's hair bands and bows, and it makes it easy to ensure they don't get lost!

So there you have it! I hope this served to inspire you as you create or merely re-decorate your baby nursery. We love using our God-given creativity to help encourage our little one's growth, and the nursery is an excellent avenue to use that creativity.

Share in the comments below how you've decorated your little one's space!