Posts in Health
The Flying Pig Marathon | Training For and Running A Marathon As A Dad

A little over a year and a half ago, I decided it was time to make a change in my life. I was close to 240 lbs and felt gross all the time. Molly and I had Blakey on the way, and I might have been coming out of a quarter-life crisis, who really knows? So I decided that day (October 31st, 2016 to be exact) to set a goal to run a marathon, I signed up for the 19th Flying Pig Marathon and started training... kind of. 

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Natural Ways to Get Through the Cold Season

Winter...the dreaded season of sickness. Before having Blake, I didn't think too much about the cold season being a big deal. I typically get one cold a year and I push through it usually without even taking any medications for it. (When Collin gets a cold, it's a different story...can anyone say MAN COLD?! :) ) But since having Blake, Collin and I have gotten several colds along with Blake and because of that, I have learned a few natural ways of getting through a cold. 

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Meal Planning in the New Year

With the New Year often comes New Year’s resolutions. I’m not much for resolutions, but I like to use the new year as a time to think of some goals that I could achieve for myself throughout the upcoming year. One goal that I want to focus on this year is meal planning. Meal planning is something that I love to do, but often times I don’t do it enough and we end up eating out more often than I would like to.

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