Exercising With a Toddler | 4 Ideas to Level Up Your Mom Fitness Game

Mom and Daughter Walking Together - Parent bloggers

Exercising as a mom with a little one around can be more difficult than one might think. You have to find the time to get a workout in during a nap, or find something for them to do that will occupy them for a decent amount of time.

It may sound better to you to just skip the exercise and play with your kiddos instead. However, it’s just as important to your child’s health for you to exercise as it is to yours. You exercising is the perfect model for them to learn that they also need to get their physical activity in.

Because I have a background in public health, I feel obligated to share some quick stats here. One in three Americans are obese and those numbers are rising. Obesity is a causing factor for other illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease. I believe our children’s generation needs to change these statistics. If our kiddos grow up seeing us exercise, then they will know it is important for them to get daily amount of physical activity as well. 30-60 minutes a day of exercise is what we all should be aiming for! And it doesn't have to be strenuous exercise, just get your body moving!

As soon as I was cleared to exercise after having Blake, I incorporated her into my workouts. This made it fun for her and I didn’t have to worry about finding something for her to do while I was exercising, because she was right there with me. She was 9 lbs when she was born and that was the perfect starting point for me to use her as a weight. She is now 20 pounds, and even though that might sound like a lot, I’ve been lifting her for a year, so it has been a gradual weight increase and doesn’t seem like too much!

Here are some of the exercises I try to do daily and how I incorporate Blake into my workouts!

Mom and daughter working out together - doing squats - mom blogger


I usually do three sets of ten squats. Remember to keep your back straight and bend at the waist. When Blake was smaller and couldn't support her head, I would wear her in my Boba Wrap and do squats. Now, she likes to sit on my shoulders when I do them. Just make sure you always have both hands on baby if you choose to do squats this way.

mom and daughter physical activity - doing crunches together - parent blogger


I also do three sets of ten crunches. Blake lays on her stomach on my legs and I make it fun for her by kissing her on the forehead each time I crunch. She thinks it is hilarious and it makes my workout more entertaining. While this might not be a true "crunch," I am definitely using my abdominal muscles and her extra weight has helped me get my "pre-baby" stomach back!

Mom and daughter walking


This is something that I do with Blake multiple times each day. She has learned to say "dance" and when she wants to dance, you better turn on some music and dance with her! We have a bluetooth speaker in our living room and we just connect our phones and turn on Pandora to dance to! Dancing is a great way to get your heart pumping, and it's fun! 


Whenever it is warm enough, we make a point to get outside and take a walk. Blake either goes in the stroller, or in a back carrier and Collin and I walk for 30-45 minutes in our neighborhood. Blake loves our walks and the fresh air is good for all of us!

Not only does Blake giggle while helping me workout, but she is hearing me count to ten multiple times so I am hoping she is learning her numbers as well!

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