Posts in Home+Food
Crafting Comfort: DIY Fire Starters for Cozy Evenings

There's something undeniably comforting about the crackling of a warm fire on a cold evening. Whether you're camping under the stars or simply enjoying a cozy night at home, having reliable fire starters on hand can make all the difference. While there are many commercial options available, why not try your hand at crafting your own? With just a few simple materials – toilet paper rolls, dryer lint, and candles – you can create homemade fire starters that are both effective and eco-friendly.

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Mastering the Art of Egg Peeling: Tried and True Techniques for Perfectly Peeled Hard-Boiled Eggs

Hard-boiled eggs are a versatile and nutritious snack, perfect for salads, sandwiches, or a quick and easy protein boost. However, the frustration of peeling hard-boiled eggs can sometimes overshadow the joy of enjoying them. We've all been there—peeling an egg only to find chunks of white sticking stubbornly to the shell. But fear not! In this blog, we'll explore various techniques to help you achieve perfectly peeled hard-boiled eggs every time.

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Unleashing the Power of Nature: The Nutrient-Rich Wonder of Acorn Flour

Unlocking a world of nutrient-rich possibilities in homesteading and sustainable living requires investigating conventional and unusual food sources. Acorn flour is an undiscovered treasure found in nature; it's a healthy and adaptable substitute for regular flour. Join us below, together we'll explore the nutritional advantages of acorn flour and find inventive ways to use this natural gem in your homesteading kitchen.

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Benefits of Cooking with Cast Iron

The homesteader's tool: cast iron cookware. Several things come to mind when thinking of homesteader must-haves. The item at the top of the list is cast iron cookware. It is easy to see why so many love to use their cast iron skillet as the farm-to-table vessel. Here are just seven benefits of cooking with cast iron.

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4 Basic Family Recipes That Will Leave You Delighted

We love food, plain and simple. Food is the core of our family gatherings; it is the three times or more per day that we all celebrate tastes and flavors and it is something we enjoy passing down through our families. So you know in advance, these recipes are not family secrets, they are just recipes that we got from our grandma, parents or some other family relative.

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Meal Planning in the New Year

With the New Year often comes New Year’s resolutions. I’m not much for resolutions, but I like to use the new year as a time to think of some goals that I could achieve for myself throughout the upcoming year. One goal that I want to focus on this year is meal planning. Meal planning is something that I love to do, but often times I don’t do it enough and we end up eating out more often than I would like to.

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