Why We Put Our One Year Old Daughter in Swim Lessons | Bear Paddle Swim School

Why We Put Our One Year Old Daughter in Swim Lessons | Bear Paddle Swim School

Blake and I just got home from her weekly swim lesson and she has the best time while there. I never took swim lessons when I was younger because my parents taught me to swim just as soon as I could walk. My grandparents both have pools so we lived at the pool in the summers. In fact, from age 19 months until age 12, I was the first one in the water each summer when the covers came off the pools! I always planned on just teaching Blake to swim over the summer at her great grandparent's pools just like I did, but when I thought more about it, I thought it might be good for her to know some basics before spending our days poolside. 

When I found Bear Paddle Swim School, I got really excited because they have introductory swim lessons for a relatively low cost. They even give you the first lesson for free to make sure it is something you want to sign up for. Blake immediately loved it and I loved it too but for different reasons. Blake has loved the water from day one. She loves bath time and when we had her in the pool last summer, we had to fight her to get her out when her lips turned blue and her fingers and toes turned into prunes. So of course she loves getting to swim each week in the middle of the winter!

bear paddle swim school

I immediately loved the Swim lessons for two reasons.

1. Blake is learning the fundamentals of swimming and the importance of safety around the water. She learns how to safely get in and out of the pool and she learns to immediately swim back to the side of the pool if she happens to fall in. This is so important as we will be spending so much time around the pool here soon and it gives me confidence in case she accidentally falls in. She is also learning how to float, paddle, kick, and blow bubbles. She is on her way to becoming a pro swimmer! (A mom can dream right?!) 

2. I love spending this time bonding with Blake. We get to spend this time together each week doing something fun and I get to take part in helping her learn a new skill. She has to learn to trust me in a new way as I hold her up while floating and each week, because of her trust in me, she gains more confidence in her ability to float. It is so fun to watch her grow in this new way!

I am so excited for this summer to see her show off her new skills to the rest of our family! And who knows...maybe she will take my place in being the first one in the pool each year!

Have your kiddos taken swim lessons? Do you take part in other mommy-and-me classes? Let me know in the comments below!