Ten Essential Garden Tasks for December

Gardening in December may seem counterintuitive, but it's a crucial time for gardeners to prepare and protect their gardens for the winter and spring. Here are ten essential tasks to keep your garden thriving:

1. Protect Plants from Frost

December often brings harsh frosts. Protect your tender plants by covering them with fleece or moving them to a greenhouse. Mulching around the base of plants can also help insulate roots from freezing temperatures.

2. Prune Deciduous Trees and Shrubs

With leaves fallen, it's easier to see the structure of deciduous trees and shrubs. Prune away dead, diseased, or crossing branches to encourage healthy growth in spring.

3. Harvest Winter Vegetables

Continue to harvest winter-hardy vegetables like carrots, parsnips, and Brussels sprouts. Protecting them with cloches can extend the harvest period.

4. Plant Bare-Root Trees and Shrubs

December is an ideal time to plant bare-root trees and shrubs. The dormant season gives them a chance to establish roots before the growing season.

5. Clean and Sharpen Garden Tools

Use this quieter time to clean, sharpen, and repair your garden tools. Proper maintenance can extend their life and make gardening tasks easier.

6. Plan Next Year's Garden

Start planning next year's garden layout and plant choices. Consider crop rotation in vegetable gardens to maintain soil health.

7. Check and Repair Fences and Structures

Inspect fences, gates, and trellises for damage and make repairs as needed. Winter storms can cause further damage to weak structures.

8. Create a Composting Area

If you don't already compost, start a compost bin or pile. Winter is a great time to begin accumulating organic waste, which will turn into valuable compost for the spring.

9. Feed the Birds

Remember wildlife in your garden. Keep bird feeders full to help birds through the cold months when food is scarce.

10. Reflect on the Past Year

Reflect on what worked well in your garden this past year and what could be improved. Keeping a garden journal can be helpful for this.

Incorporating these tasks into your December gardening routine can ensure a healthy, vibrant garden ready to burst into life come spring. Remember, a little effort during the winter can pay off significantly in the growing season!