Parent Poll Friday | Here are the Diaper Opinion Results!

Parent Poll Friday | Here are the Diaper Opinion Results!

So we started a thing last Friday! Parent Poll Friday on Instagram

We know you have excellent opinions and those opinions help others make significant decisions for their families and kiddos. So why not start asking via polls each week? This weekly activity will help us all make better-informed decisions; it's like being able to ask tons of mom friends for their quick opinions! 

We asked: Should we make Poll Friday a thing? 

You answered: 35 votes for Yes! 8 votes for Nope! 

We'll go ahead and make it a thing! 

We asked: Pampers or Huggies? 

You answered: 41 votes for Pampers, 24 votes for Huggies 

Undoubtedly Pampers took the cake, now we encourage you to share why in the comments, and which do YOU like better? 

We asked: Luvs or Honest Company? 

You answered: 26 votes for Luvs, 31 votes for Honest

A smaller separation here for sure! Why do you think that is? Comment below! 

We asked: Cloth diapers or nope never?

You answered: 15 votes for cloth diapers, 51 votes for nope never

Interesting! So only 15 of you think it's worth it for either a dollar saved or the environment for cloth diapers eh? This is a huge difference! Comment why you did or didn't choose cloth diapers in the comments! 

We asked: Cool designs or plain colors? 

You answered: 37 votes for cool designs, 25 votes for plain colors

The real follow-up question we should have asked is are cool designs worth a few extra dollars to you? I think the answers would have been different potentially! 

We Asked: Reuasable Swim Diaper or Nah? 

You answered: 20 votes for reuse, 44 votes for Nah! 

Wow! The reusable ones are great, we'd certainly suggest trying one out and saving a buck! 

We asked: Trashcan type for diapers? 

You answered: 36 for diaper pail, 33 for normal trashcan

This was close! Comment below which you have and why you choose it! 

We asked: Always in diapers or Free the booty? 

You answered: 42 for always in diapers, 24 for free the booty

We tend towards a happy medium. Gotta be comfy though! 

We asked: Wipe Warmer or Umm Nope? 

You answered: 14 votes for wipe warmer, 61 votes for umm nope


Whare your thoughts in the comments! 

*This post does include some affiliate links. However, we do not suggest products that we don't believe in or haven't used.*