My Top 6 Breastfeeding Essentials | Bottles, Bras, and More

My Top 6 Breastfeeding Essentials

After 16 months of breastfeeding, I feel like I have learned a ton about what works, what doesn't work, and what items you need to have on hand for each and every nursing session. I definitely don't know everything there is to know about breastfeeding and I am not a medical professional, but after nursing for this long, I have some tips to share with you!

First and foremost, La Leche League is an excellent resource for breastfeeding mothers and I would recommend finding a La Leche League certified lactation consultant if you have any medical questions regarding nursing your little one.

My top 6 items you need to have on hand while nursing

1. Water Bottle: I can't stress how important it is to stay hydrated while you are breastfeeding. There were so many times the first few months of Blake's life where I sat down to nurse her and 5 minutes in, I got SO THIRSTY! I quickly learned that I need a full water bottle before sitting down for a nursing session.

2. Comfy Nursing Bra: Before I had Blake, I went out and got a few different nursing bras from Target and Kohls. Two of my favorite places to shop so I assumed their nursing bras would be fine. I was so wrong! And let me tell you, it is crucial to have a comfortable nursing bra! When I tried Kindred Bravely's nursing bras, I knew I would never buy another brand again! They are so comfortable and soft! Here is a code for $10 off your first Kindred Bravely order!

3. Burp Rag: This one is self-explanatory! When baby is finished eating, they usually need to burp and sometimes that can be messy! Save yourself an outfit change and have a burp rag within reach!

4. Nursing Pillow: Our Boppy pillow has come in handy many times within the past 16 months! That’s right, I still use it! When Blake was a newborn, it was great to use it for that extra support while we figured everything out. Now it’s nice to use when she is nursing to sleep and I want to have both of my hands free to eat a bowl of ice cream! (No judgment please people!)

5. Coconut Oil: When you are first getting used to breastfeeding, it can be painful! Que the coconut oil! Some people prefer creams like lanolin to use, but when I tried that, Blake didn’t nurse well after, even if I wiped it all off. I preferred the all natural aspect of the coconut oil and it actually worked better in my opinion!

6. Reusable Nursing Pads: The cost of nursing pads adds up quickly! I have really liked using reusable nursing pads because not only am I saving money, but I am not adding to landfills with the throwaway pads. I have this brand, but Kindred Bravely has also has some that are awesome!

Hopefully this is helpful to you! I also want to add that this is what I have learned from my experience from breastfeeding. While breastfeeding has it's challenges, I have been one of the lucky ones for it to come easy for me and Blake. I know there are mamas out there who have struggled with breastfeeding and I applaud you for that! I want to end by saying that a fed baby is a happy baby, so no matter if you are a formula mama, or nursing mama you are doing a great job, keep it up! 

Let's continue this conversation! Let me know your top nursing tips and breastfeeding essentials in the comments below!

*This post does include some affiliate links. However, we do not suggest products that we don't believe in or haven't used.*