Gentle Taming: A Guide to Building Trust with Your Rooster

Roosters, with their vibrant plumage and confident crowing, are iconic figures on the farm. While they add charm to the rural landscape, some roosters can be a bit feisty. Taming a rooster requires patience, understanding, and a gentle approach. In this guide, we'll explore techniques to build trust with your rooster and establish a harmonious relationship.

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Fall Foraging Adventures: Discovering Wild Edibles on the Homestead

As autumn paints the landscape with red, orange, and gold hues, homesteaders can embark on a unique and rewarding adventure—fall foraging. The season offers a bountiful array of wild edibles, adding a touch of wild harvest to the homesteading experience. In this exploration, we'll introduce you to some delectable treasures hidden in nature's pantry, sharing tips on identification and preparation to make your fall foraging adventures both safe and flavorful.

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The Bountiful Benefits of Free-Range Chickens: A Guide to Happy, Healthy Flocks

Raising chickens in your backyard is a rewarding experience that comes with various responsibilities. One aspect of chicken keeping that has gained popularity among enthusiasts is free-ranging, allowing chickens to roam and explore beyond the confines of their coop. In this blog post, we'll delve into the numerous benefits of letting your chickens free-range, exploring how it contributes to their well-being and enhances the overall experience of backyard chicken keeping.

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A Comprehensive Guide to Winterizing Your Chicken Coop: Ensuring Comfort and Well-being for Your Flock

As winter approaches, poultry keepers must take proactive steps to prepare their chicken coops for the colder months. A well-prepared coop not only safeguards your feathered friends from the harsh elements but also contributes to their overall health and productivity. This comprehensive guide will delve into eleven crucial tips for getting your chicken coop winter-ready.

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Benefits of Cooking with Cast Iron

The homesteader's tool: cast iron cookware. Several things come to mind when thinking of homesteader must-haves. The item at the top of the list is cast iron cookware. It is easy to see why so many love to use their cast iron skillet as the farm-to-table vessel. Here are just seven benefits of cooking with cast iron.

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How I Took My Family To Disney for Free | 11 Ways I Made It Work

I just took my family to Disney World for an entire week, without paying a cent out of pocket! “How?” you might ask. Well buckle your seat belts, I am about to tell you!

A year ago, I booked a trip to Disney and set a goal for myself to pay for the entire trip without any of our “normal” income. My husband, Collin, didn’t think I could do it, but boy did I prove him wrong! Most everything I did was via different apps on my phone, I will list them below starting with what profited me the most money.

While I put the money I earned toward my family’s trip to Disney, you could easily save your money for any vacation! These aren’t Disney-exclusive tips! In fact, now that our Disney trip is over, I am using these methods to save up for a trip to Hawaii!

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Kindred Bravely: A New Mom Must Have

After Blake was born, I lived in cozy clothes. This meant wearing mostly hoodies and sweatpants. Now that we are expecting baby number two, I decided that I wanted to be prepared with some comfy nursing pajamas. So I turned to none other than my favorite nursing bra company, Kindred Bravely, to find those pajamas that I know I am going to need come February.

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Children's Electric Car Buying Guide | 4 Ride On Vehicles To Get You Started

Dad here! I have looked at these fun little cars from day 1 of finding out we had Blakey on the way. I think it's the little boy in me that makes me want to get one and probably try to ride it myself. And I understand that it makes me little kiddish, but let's embrace that for the moment! Am I right guys? 

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Arm’s Reach Mini 2-in-1 Ezee Co-Sleeper Bassinet Review

I had the opportunity to test out the Arm’s Reach Mini 2-in-1 Ezee Co-Sleeper Bassinet recently with our precious four-month-old boy. The bassinet was tremendously easy to assemble, and it couldn’t have taken more than 10 minutes to assemble (that’s total time, with multiple interruptions from my favorite little “helping” hands).

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50+ Moms Share Their Opinions On Baby Clothes

We have loved continuing our Parent Poll Friday on Instagram. The answers are helpful for us and interesting! Being a parent isn't always easy, but having a community that pitches in, helps! As many have said before, it takes a village. 

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