Creating Your Garden: A Beginner's Guide

Are you in the Midwest of the US?! It is time the perfect time to plant the garden! If you have yet to start, it isn't too late! Go sprint to your local gardening shop and grab all the goodies for this summer's garden. If you are a newer gardener or do not know where to start, you're in the right place! Here is the gardening starter guide! We mean the pure basics here. 

Keep it simple

One of the best things about gardening is that you can do it as simply or complex as you want! We understand it can be overwhelming if you are just starting your gardening journey. What tools are needed? Does gardening involve tractors? How much land is ideal? The questions go on and on! The good news is, you don't need much to start! Begin with the basics. You don't need a picture-perfect area; you can make whatever you have work. Even a patio with pots will do just fine! 

Regarding gardening, it all comes down to three vital items- soil, seeds, and water! You could get hundreds- even thousands of tools, but you only need the beautiful basics. A shovel could be helpful, too, but it is optional! Your hands are great FREE tools! And an excellent way to get connected with the ground! 

Start With Soil 

The soil you use for your garden affects the nutrients you will ultimately receive from your food. Consider amendments like compost and manure, as these help create the ideal soil to grow your produce in. You can find these at a local gardening store or online if you desire to buy in bulk. 

Move On To Seeds

Start small, slow, and selective! Depending on how much space you have, make a list of 2-8 vegetables, fruits, herbs, or flowers you would like to start with, then just go for it! It would be best to not go all out for your first year. It is best to add to your list of plants each year slowly.  

Growing a few things well is more efficient than having many that are not well cared for. You want to be able to master your care routine and be able to keep up with the maintenance, then add plants when you feel you can take on more.

Finally Water

Without water, your plants will not grow! Watering might be the most crucial task when caring for your plants. The best time to water is in the morning before the heat of the day gets to the plants or in the evening. Look for signs that they are thirsty! When the leaves on your plants are shriveled, wrinkled, or wilted, they are screaming for you to assist them in quenching their thirst! If you notice those signs in the middle of the day, wait until the evening so that the sun will not scorch them. 

Enjoy the process

Don't get overwhelmed with all the gardening information or obsessed with making your space perfect. Gardening improves your physical and mental health as you reconnect with the earth, watch seeds turn into food right before your eyes, and enjoy the food you've grown. 

Take it day by day. You will run into problems. Some seeds may flourish, while others never sprout. Gardening is an adventure! Every day holds a new journey as you care for your plants. Happy gardening!