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Mom's Fave Five Series | Amanda C. & Kailyn R. From The Makings of Motherhood Share Their Faves

If you haven't had the chance yet, head over and check out the first in this series

By Amanda C. and Kailyn R. From The Makings of Motherhood (They offered a bonus fave here too!)

There are things that make mom life easier. We all know about these things and readily share these amazing things with other moms. That’s one beautiful thing about being a mom-- always being willing and reading to help out a fellow mama. Here are a few of the things we at The Makings of Motherhood have found to make this crazy mom life just a little bit better! 

One of my favorite things is the baby carrier I got at a giant mom swap. I got a few different types of carriers but ended up liking the Infantino Sash Mei Tai the best. I’m not saying it’s the best carrier out there, but it definitely made my life easier. For a little while, my baby fought sleep like crazy, but he would sleep like nobody’s business in that carrier! I was able to get a lot done with him strapped to my chest! It’s also perfect when you’re going out somewhere that’s a little crowded for strollers. This particular carrier was great when my boy was a teeny newborn and has proven to hold up as he gets bigger (and heavier). -A

Lillebaby Airflow Complete - worth the money, especially if you live in hot climates! I’ve used it mostly with my toddler after using a different carrier when she was younger, but despite her being 20+ pounds it has excellent back/lumbar support! I cannot say enough good things about the breathable mesh material and the versatility of the carry options. -K

Something that I probably would’ve looked at in my pre-mom life and thought it was unnecessary is the Infantino squeeze station. But now...I LOVE this thing, and it has made life so much easier since our babe started eating solids more consistently around 6-8 months. Not to mention it’s cost-effective instead of buying the store bought pouches. Even now, at 17 months I still make homemade pouches and take them with us on the go. I can throw the pouch in the diaper bag frozen, and in a few hours, it’s thawed out. I like knowing exactly what she’s eating at this stage in life. Usually, I can sneak healthy things like spinach in it too that she may not otherwise eat if it were put in front of her. Every couple of weeks I spend a few hours making a big batch of pouches (Pinterest has great baby food recipes). Once I label and throw them in the freezer, I can easily grab them if we’re going out for a long day. I really have enjoyed having the time and desire to make most of my babe’s early food at home, and this is such an added convenience factor I’m so grateful to have found! -K

Three words: Muslin swaddling blankets. These are the best. They’re light, versatile, come in a variety of designs and price points, easy to clean, and more. I’ve used these blankets since day one-- swaddling my little babe at night to keep him warm. He was born in July, and we live in the south which made this light blanket a perfect swaddle choice. I’ve used this blanket as a nursing cover, car seat cover, burp rag, floor blanket, and more. We always have one in the diaper bag! I heard other moms rave about these blankets but did not fully appreciate them until I had a little babe of my own. The best part is that you can get them anywhere! Amazon, Target, Ross, TJMaxx-- all great options for this must have item. 

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For a growing, mouthy baby, the O-Ball line of toys is the best. There is such a wide variety of choices from teethers to rattles, bath toys to balls. These toys are easy to grasp and easy to clean. They come in so many colors and variations-- my kid loves them! I feel confident leave him alone with a toy and not having to worry about choking or anything serious. He loves to gnaw on these toys and shake them all around. I would definitely recommend these for babies who love shoving all the things in their mouths (which is all babies, right?). -A

I’m late to the podcast game, but a “non-baby” favorite of mine are all the podcasts. As a new mom and a working mom, my free time is minimal. Having a podcast playing in the background as I cook/clean/drive/whatever has been an awesome addition to my life. There are so many choices out there! There are podcasts about mom/wife life, entertainment, cool stories, politics. You name it; it’s out there. I love listening to some of the podcasts about being a mom. There are so many times that I find myself nodding my head and saying, “YES!” in agreement to so many things. It’s nice knowing that you’re not alone and that thing that your kid does is most definitely normal. I won’t list all the great podcasts, but you can just jump on your podcast app and search for whatever topic your heart desires! -A

Narrowing down two mom lives to 5 items was a challenge, but somehow we managed. All of these items have made our lives better or easier in some way, which is saying a lot since being a parent is not the easiest task! Hopefully, you find these items to be as useful as we have! 

Check out Amanda and Kailyn on themakingsofmotherood.com, IG: @themakingsofmotherhood, fb: https://www.facebook.com/themakingsofmotherhood/

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